
Showing posts from January, 2015

Wear Organic Clothing: The Dark Reality of Cheap Fashion Inside Cambodia

The cold reality of devastating practices widely used in the  textile industry to employ cheap labor.  When your clothes are made this way; they can be cheap.  Are you willing to pay for the slavery and exploitation of women? This inside video of Cambodia's garment manufacturing realities is a bit hard to watch but something anyone who wears clothes should see. What's the alternative you ask?   Know where your clothes are made by simply reading the label and refuse to purchase garments made in countries that employ slavery tactics, do not pay living wages, house factories in unsafe buildings, lock workers inside facilities, use fear tactics to force long hours and force people to work against their will. Shop small companies committed to integrity over profits and consciousness in manufacturing. Look for companies who are willing and eager to show transparency in their supply chain.  Many organic clothing companies publi...

Consumers Against Toxic Apparel - Wear the Change Wear Organic Clothing: Organic Clothing: Miss Earth Florida 2015 and CATA...

Consumers Against Toxic Apparel - Wear the Change Wear Organic Clothing: Organic Clothing: Miss Earth Florida 2015 and CATA... : As of January 2, 2015 CATA is an official sponsor:  Miss Earth Florida 2105 Miss Elizabeth Tran Miss Earth Florida is choosing h...